2017 upcoming events
save the date! "trunk or treat" - 2nd Annual Halloween fun!
Date: Sunday, October 29, 2017
Sensory Friendly Time: 2pm - 3pm
Community Time: 3pm - 5pm
Location: Kinera Foundation Eastern Shore Regional Hub
Cost: FREE! Fun for entire family!
Kinera's Trunk or Treat begins at 2pm and will kick off with a Sensory Friendly Trick or Treat experience for children with special needs and their families. Trick or treaters can explore the craft and games station, trick or treat at the Vendors Tables/Trunks, all decorated for Halloween, vote for their favorite vendor display, and enjoy snacks, drinks, music and family fun.
At 3pm we open to the general public and offer a great prelude to Halloween Night, or a replacement for door to door trick or treating.
Free family event, but registration is required. Please RSVP.
VENDORS - Interested in becoming a vendor and having a display at this popular event? Please call 443-249-3126 or email: [email protected]
Sensory Friendly Time: 2pm - 3pm
Community Time: 3pm - 5pm
Location: Kinera Foundation Eastern Shore Regional Hub
Cost: FREE! Fun for entire family!
Kinera's Trunk or Treat begins at 2pm and will kick off with a Sensory Friendly Trick or Treat experience for children with special needs and their families. Trick or treaters can explore the craft and games station, trick or treat at the Vendors Tables/Trunks, all decorated for Halloween, vote for their favorite vendor display, and enjoy snacks, drinks, music and family fun.
At 3pm we open to the general public and offer a great prelude to Halloween Night, or a replacement for door to door trick or treating.
Free family event, but registration is required. Please RSVP.
VENDORS - Interested in becoming a vendor and having a display at this popular event? Please call 443-249-3126 or email: [email protected]
2016 event Highlights
Trunk or treat October 30, 2016 |
Sensory Friendly Raven's stadium tour
We had a blast at M&T Stadium this year. With close to 70 participants we broke into 2 groups and enjoyed visiting the locker room, viewing the field from the Press Box, and of course taking in the luxury of the private suites. Thank you to our Tour Guides Mr. Walt and Ms. Beverly. We look forward to touring again next fall!
3rd Annual Sensory Friendly Family Night at the Carnival

We Rock the Spectrum, the new Kid's Gym in Severna Park graciously invited families who attended the Carnival Event to an hour of free play and pizza!!
"We Rock the Spectrum provides children with a fun and motivational environment to help them in the areas of strength, movement, sensory processing."
"We Rock the Spectrum provides children with a fun and motivational environment to help them in the areas of strength, movement, sensory processing."
Sensory Friendly Camden Yards Stadium Tour
Family Fun May Day on the Farm
Kinera in partnership with Talisman Therapeutic Riding Center, Parents Place of Maryland, Abilities Network, Epilepsy Foundation, and the Queen Anne's County Sheriff's Dept. is so excited to host our first May Day Family Fun Day. Please join us for Free food and beverages, introductions to local health and safety partners, Free giveaways, Meet and Greet with the Herd, live music, and SO much more. Click the image below to register.
Kent Island Day Parade - May 21, 2016
Each year, Kent Island Day commemorates the founding of Kent Island in 1631 with a parade down Main St., historic exhibits, displays, activities, food, vendors, costumes, activities for kids and crafts. This year Kinera Foundation will have a vendor table so that we can share our mission "to enhance the quality of life for children with special needs and their families by providing parent support groups, social activities, access to various therapies and treatments, while continuing to support inclusive and community programs" with our local community.
We invite our families to register below to walk in the parade with us to represent Kinera Foundation. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families in the community, and participate in an activity that positively highlights our children's ability and desire to be included in community activities like a Main Street Parade.
We invite our families to register below to walk in the parade with us to represent Kinera Foundation. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families in the community, and participate in an activity that positively highlights our children's ability and desire to be included in community activities like a Main Street Parade.
M&T Bank Stadium Tour
We are so grateful to our sponsors of this year's Sensory Friendly Family Night at the Carnival!!
Kinera Foundation
Jolly Shows
Earleigh Heights Fire Dept.
Shore Contracting Services
Aidan Rand
We had 33 families attend this event, with over 100 family members of children with special needs enjoy this summer tradition.
We are excited to announce that Kinera Foundation will host this event again next year. In order to ensure our continued success, and your participation, we would like your feedback. Please take a moment to fill out the below survey. This information will provide valuable feedback for our future events.
Kinera Foundation
Jolly Shows
Earleigh Heights Fire Dept.
Shore Contracting Services
Aidan Rand
We had 33 families attend this event, with over 100 family members of children with special needs enjoy this summer tradition.
We are excited to announce that Kinera Foundation will host this event again next year. In order to ensure our continued success, and your participation, we would like your feedback. Please take a moment to fill out the below survey. This information will provide valuable feedback for our future events.